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Galician Night

SA 7. Sep. 2024 | 20:00-21:00 
Atelier Fé., Mosergasse 6
(limited seating)
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Poetry, Renaissance music and drama come together in the Atelier Fé. photo gallery. Galician Night is a performative homage to the Galician author Luísa Villalta, who passed away in 2004. In her raw yet playful poems, she creates an atmosphere that oscillates between melancholy and optimism. Pierre Pitzl on the baroque guitar and the actress Lisa Furtner find impulses in selected poems, which they process in their artistic forms of expression and draw inspiration from for an artistic response to Luísa's thoughts.

This concert is presented in cooperation with the Espazos Sonoros Festival. We would like to thank the Secretaría Xeral da Lingua da Xunta de Galicia, Servizo de Patrimonio e Contratación da Deputación da Coruña, Foro Cultural de Austria and the family of Luísa Villalta for their support of this project.

With Tapas y Vinos from Galicia

Tapas from Vide, Vide

Selected wines from Bodega Roandi


Pierre Pitzl, Baroque Guitar

Pierre Pitzl began his entry into the world of music at the age of 12 with an electric guitar before switching to classical music. He studied guitar at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna with Walter Würdinger, where he graduated cum laude with a soloist's diploma at the age of 19. He then devoted himself to the lute, chamber music and basso continuo at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (with Eugen Dombois, Hopkinson Smith, Jürgen Hübscher and Jesper Christensen) and the viola da gamba at the Conservatorium Den Haag (with Wieland Kuijken and Christoph Coin).Since then he has been active as a soloist and chamber musician with the viola da gamba and baroque guitar. With his ensemble PRIVATE MUSICKE, Pierre Pitzl has performed at the most renowned European concert halls and festivals, such as the Aix-en-Provence Festival, Resonanzen Wien, Lucerne Festival, Edinburgh Festival, Theatre des Champs Elysées, Helsinki Festival, London Wigmore Hall, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Berlin Kammerphilharmonie and others, as well as in Japan, Korea and China.

As a soloist and with his ensemble, Pierre Pitzl has released numerous CDs with "ORF Edition Alte Musik", ACCENT and Deutsche Grammophon. They have been awarded the Diapason d'Or and many other prizes. Recently, the musician has also become increasingly active as the director of projects with baroque vocal and opera music. Pierre Pitzl is active as a lecturer at various master classes and teaches viola da gamba at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK) and baroque guitar at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW). In 2017/18, he also taught baroque guitar at the University of Music in Bremen.

Lisa Furtner, reading

Born in Linz, Lisa Furtner studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology from 2008 to 2014 and theater at the Krauss acting school from 2013 to 2016. Since 2015, she has mainly worked as an actress and puppeteer in the independent scene in Vienna, Upper Austria and Salzburg. Engagements have taken her to the Volksoper Vienna, Theater Drachengasse, Konzerthaus Vienna, Philharmonie Luxembourg, Kabarett Niedermair, Festspiele Schloss Tillysburg, Theater Spielraum, ARGEkultur Salzburg, etc., among others. She has taken on various production and set design assistant roles, including at Theater Akzent, Dschungel Wien and Kosmos Theater. Since 2017, she has been part of the management team of the Tillysburg Castle Festival in Upper Austria, where she is responsible for the entire graphic design and plays a key role in the realization of the stage sets. Since 2019, she has been intensively involved in painting and puppet construction for various productions.

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© Volker Schmidt

Eva Veiga, Sprecherin

Eva Veiga, poet, philologist, and journalist from Ombre (Pontedeume, Galicia), worked at Galician Television (Televisión de Galicia) as a director and host of cultural programs, earning numerous awards, including the TP Award and the Galician Communication Award.

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© Alfonso Costa

After a serious illness, she turned to writing, publishing articles and dedicating herself to her true passion: poetry. Her works received recognition, such as the Fiz Vergara Vilariño Prize in 2013 and several poetry awards from Concello de Carral and the city of Ourense. With a sensitive and personal voice, shaped by her television experience, she is a remarkable poetry reciter. She founded the poetic-musical group Ouriol, offering performances in Galicia and beyond. Additionally, she made her film acting debut in "A cicatriz branca" and contributed to the documentary "Nación." Eva Veiga maintained a close friendship with Luísa Villalta.


Pierre Pitzl, Baroque Guitar

Lisa Furtner, Reading in German

Eva Veiga, Narrator in Galician


Maria Gabriel
Rosa Marta Gómez Pato

Concept and Production

Belén Bermejo and Maria Danneberg

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